Objavljen međunarodni poziv za glumce – ABC (Arts / Borders / Communities) The Alphabet Of Love – kofinansiran kroz program Kreativna Evropa

Astràgali Teatro – Eufonia Cooperative Society (Italy) in partnership with Grotowski Institute (Poland), Foundation of Dance “Alicia Alonso” of the University “Rey Juan Carlos” of Madrid (Spain), City Museums and Galleries of Podgorica (Montenegro), Cultural Centre Aykart (Tunisia) and Augmented and Virtual Reality Lab of the Department of Engineering for Innovation of University of Salento (Italy) are pleased to launch an Intercultural Call addressed to theatre performers for the participation in Theatre Workshops that will take place in Poland, Spain, Tunisia, Montenegro and Italy.
The workshops are part of ABC (Arts/Borders/Communities) – The Alphabet of Love, an international project, co-founded by the Creative Europe program of the European Union (Cooperation project – culture strand). ABC project includes a complex program of actions aimed to develop cross-border, multidisciplinary artistic activities, in order to experiment and enhance cultural and social practices and methodologies, focusing on the concept and practice ofhospitality. At the core of ABC is the creation of an international theatre production with the participation of performers from Europe and Tunisia and inspired by some plays of the ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes and their anti-war spirit.
The Workshops will last 3 days and will be coordinated by Fabio Tolledi, Artistic Director of Astràgali Teatro. He directed more than 50 theatrical performances and gave lectures, conferences, workshops in more than 40 countries all over the world. His publications, playwritings and articles are translated into various languages.
The project is offering a very good opportunity to theatre performers to have an experience with a renowned theatre director and to have an insight into Social and Community Theatre practices.
Through the present Call theatre performers will be selected to participate in one of the workshops. The Artistic Director will involve the participants in a participatory poetic discourse on the concept of hospitality in all the artistic facets connected to the places, to the stories of the participants, through the physical work that is at the center of the theatrical methodology.
Fundamental factor in the poetic theatrical experience of the workshop is the choral element, chorality which is central also in ancient Greek theatre.
Participants will be introduced to the artistic methodologies of Astràgali Teatro, which, in a pioneering way, since the beginning of the 90s, has realized special significant international site-specific performances all around the world.
Astràgali Teatro was founded in 1981 in Lecce, Italy, to make theatre, to train actors, to create a space for the circulation of discourses and practices. Recognized since 1985 by the Italian Ministry of Culture as an innovation theatre company, Astràgali has created artistic projects, performances and activities in over 40 countries around the world. Over the years its performances have found a home in many places of great cultural interest, including UNESCO World Heritage sites, naturalistic, archaeological, industrial heritage sites.
After the workshops some of the participants could be selected by the Artistic Director for their involvement in the project theatre performance that will be prepared in Lecce, Italy.
The Call is addressed to emerging and professional theatre actresses and actors from all Europe and from Tunisia. The theatre artists can apply for one of the following workshops:
23 – 24 – 25 April, held in Madrid (Spain) at Instituto De Danza “Alicia Alonso” of the University “Rey Juan Carlos”;
28 – 29 – 30 April, held in Tunis (Tunisia) at Cultural Centre Aykart;
23 – 24 – 25 June, held in Wroclaw (Poland) at Na Grobli Studio of Grotowski Institute;
28 – 29 – 30 June, held in Podgorica (Montenegro) at City Museums and Galleries of Podgorica;
7 – 8 – 9 July, held in Lecce (Italy) at Astràgali Teatro.
The participation in the workshop for the selected artists is free of charge. There is no participation or registration fee. However, the project does not cover any cost for travel and accommodation for the participation in the workshops. Deadlines for submission of applications:
30th March 2025 for the workshops in Spain and Tunisia;
22nd May 2025 for the workshops in Poland, Montenegro and Italy.
Submission requirements:
Applicants must submit the following documents (in English) to this e-mail address abc.project.eu@gmail.com
• an updated CV, including also a photo, phone number and email address;
• a motivation letter, specifying what you expect from this workshop.
A good knowledge of English is required.
For further details please contact: abc.project.eu@gmail.com
Link za originalni dokument: ABC – Intercultural Call for Theatre Artists_Estensionea