City museum

The City Museum of Podgorica was founded in 1950 as the Local Museum of Titograd. After integration with the Modern Gallery and the Gallery "Risto Stijović" in 1974, it operated under the name Museums and Galleries of Titograd. In accordance with the Decision of the Municipal Assembly, in 1991, it was organized as a Public Institution Museums and Galleries. Since 2003. the City Museum has been housed in the renovated building of the former Graphic Institute, built after World War II.
Today, within the museum institution, there are: the City Museum with its Archaeological, Historical, Ethnographic, and Department for the History of Culture and Art, the Modern Gallery with the Gallery "Risto Stijović," Kuslevova House, Gallery "Art," and the Museum of Marko Miljanov at Medun.
The museum possesses relatively rich collections of archaeological, historical, cultural-historical, artistic, and ethnographic material. Its permanent exhibition is designed to highlight the most significant periods, events, personalities, and works throughout the existence of the city.