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Prijava za radionicu o 3D digitalizaciji kulturne baštine u saradnji sa Global Digital Heritage

Datum 21 feb 08:00 - 17:00

Ovim putem pozivamo sve zainteresovane arheologe, kustose, fotografe, startupove i druge zainteresovane strane da se prijave na dvodnevnu radionicu koju JU Muzeji i Galerije Podgorice organizuju kroz bilateralnu saradnju sa Global Digital Heritage fondacijom a uz podršku i partnerstvo sa Naučno Tehnološkim Parkom Crne Gore i Muzejskim Društvom Crne Gore. Radionica će se održati od 27.03 – 28.03 u prostorijama Naučno Tehnološkog Parka Crne Gore.

Link za prijavu / Link for applying:

Link za poziv u PDF formatu / Link for the call in PDF format: Workshop GDH

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Radionica GDH

Dr Viktor Manuel Lopez-Menčero, zamjenik glavnog naučnika i naučni direktor u Španiji u Global Digital Heritage (GDH).

Dr. Viktor Manuel Lopez-Menčero Bendičo je naučni direktor Global Digital Heritage (GDH) u Španiji. Dr. Lopez je diplomirao istoriju i stekao evropski doktorat iz arheologije. Njegovo istraživanje je fokusirano na upravljanje arheološkom baštinom i digitalnu arheologiju. U posljednjih petnaest godina učestvovao je kao predavač na više od stotinu nacionalnih i međunarodnih konferencija, seminara, radionica i kurseva. Ko-urednik je španske verzije Londonske povelje i koordinator Seviljskih principa (Međunarodni principi virtualne arheologije). Do 2015. godine bio je ko-direktor međunarodnog naučnog časopisa Virtual Archaeology Review (VAR).
Od 2014. godine potpisao je nekoliko ugovora s Evropskom izvršnom agencijom za istraživanje kao evaluator evropskih projekata. Osnivački član Španskog društva za virtualnu arheologiju, bio je član Upravnog odbora ICOMOS Španije između 2018. i 2021. godine, te gostujući profesor na Univerzitetu Kastilja-La Manča 2023. godine. Trenutno je član Međunarodnog odbora CIPA za dokumentaciju baštine i Međunarodnog naučnog odbora za upravljanje arheološkom baštinom (ICAHM).Global Digital Heritage (GDH)Global Digital Heritage je međunarodna neprofitna organizacija posvećena dokumentovanju svjetske kulturne baštine, čineći podatke, 3D modele i rezultate slobodno dostupnim javnosti. Sa projektima u 15 zemalja, koji uključuju sve od malih muzejskih primjeraka do cijelih pejzaža, GDH je izradio preko 9000 3D modela u posljednjih 8 godina. Ovi projekti obuhvataju ljudsku istoriju od paleolitika do 20. vijeka, uključujući umjetnost na stijenama, skulpture, keramiku, megalite, dvorce i gradove. Ovaj seminar će pružiti sveobuhvatan pregled ciljeva, aktivnosti, metoda i rezultata dokumentovanja baštine od strane Global Digital Heritage-a, te kako GDH može doprinijeti digitalizaciji kulturne baštine Crne Gore.PROGRAM (Radni jezik će biti Engleski) 27.03.2025. –  28.03.2025. –  godine, Podgorica, NTP Crne Gore
1. Dan – Upoznavanje (11:00 – 15:00)
Predavanje: Globalna strategija za 3D digitalizaciju kulturne baštine: Global Digital Heritage
Diskusija: Mogućnosti saradnje između Global Digital Heritage-a i institucija kulture u Crnoj Gori
2. Dan – Radionica: (10:00 – 15:00)
Tema 1 (teorija): Uvod u dokumentovanje baštine korištenjem fotogrametrije
Tema 2 (teorija-praksa): Skeniranje spomenika i lokaliteta putem fotogrametrije
Tema 3 (teorija-praksa): Skeniranje muzejskih artefakata korištenjem fotogrametrije

Projekat se održava kroz bilateralnu saradnju JU Muzeji i Galerije Podgorice i Global Digital Heritage, a uz partnerstvo i podršku od strane Naučnog Tehnološkog Parka – Crne Gore i Muzejskog društva Crne Gore.


In the text bellow, you can find more information about the lecturer and the organization he is coming from, as well as the agenda. We ask all those interested to bring with them catalogs, brochures and other material that best shows their efforts so far in the field of digitization, as well as objects from their collections and localities.

Workshop GDH
Dr. Víctor Manuel López-Menchero, Deputy Chief Scientist and Scientific Director in Spain, Global Digital Heritage (GDH)Dr. Víctor Manuel López-Menchero Bendicho is the Scientific Director of Global Digital Heritage (GDH) in Spain. Dr. Lopez has a degree in History and a European PhD in Archaeology. His research has focused on the management of archaeological heritage and digital archaeology. In the last fifteen years he has participated as speaker in more than a hundred national and international conferences, seminars, workshops and courses. He is co-editor of the Spanish version of the London Charter and coordinator of the Seville Principles (International Principles of Virtual Archaeology). Until 2015 he has been co-director of the international scientific journal Virtual Archaeology Review (VAR).Since 2014 he has signed several contracts with the European Research Executive Agency as an evaluator of European projects. Founding member of the Spanish Society of Virtual Archaeology, he has been a Member of the Board of ICOMOS Spain between 2018 and 2021 and associate professor at the University of Castilla La Mancha in 2023. He is currently a member of the International CIPA Heritage Documentation Committee and the International Scientific Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM).Global Digital Heritage  GDHGlobal Digital Heritage is an international non-profit organization dedicated to documenting the world’s cultural heritage and making the data, models, and results freely available to the public. With projects in 15 countries and subjects ranging from small museum specimens to entire landscapes, GDH has completed over 9000 3D models in the last 8 years. These projects span human history from the Paleolithic to the 20th Century and include rock art, sculptures, ceramics, stone alignments, castles, and cities. This Seminar will be a comprehensive overview of the heritage documentation goals, activities, methods, and results of Global Digital Heritage, and how GDH could contribute to the digitalization of Montenegro’s cultural heritage.

PROGRAM (Program will be held in English) 27.03.2025. –  28.03.2025. –  Podgorica, NTP Montenegro
1. Day – Introduction (11:00 – 15:00)Lecture: A global strategy for the 3D digitization of Cultural Heritage: Global Digital Heritage
Discussion: Opportunities for collaboration between Global Digital Heritage and cultural institutions in Montenegro

2. Day – Workshop: (10:00 – 15:00)
Topic 1 (theory): An Introduction to Heritage Documentation Using Photogrammetry
Topic 2 (theory-practice): Scanning monuments and sites using photogrammetry
Topic 3 (theory-practice): Museum Scanning of artifacts using photogrammetry

The project is held through the bilateral cooperation of the PI Museums and Galleries of Podgorica and Global Digital Heritage, with the partnership and support of the Science and Technology Park – Montenegro and the Museum Society of Montenegro.